ENERSCAPES. Territory, Landscape and Renewable Energies - page 10

results and to cooperate for a new programming phase on the topics of RES and
The present work is divided into three chapters: in the first one, the MED pro-
gramme and the general goals of the Enerscapes project are presented, followed
by a short introduction on the pilot areas and a presentation of the partners.
The second one is devoted to the description of the chosen methodology, de-
fined by the partners according to different competences and knowledge.
In the third part, each partner described how Enerscapes will be capitalised in
his own local area.
The publication includes a CD-ROM containing the Final Guidelines for the
definition of a Local Action Plan for RES and Landscape, and, for each partner,
the main outputs of the project.
The Final Guidelines are the result of a detailed activity of analysis and compar-
ison of the different pilot-area experiences in the implementation of the Ener-
scapes project. The Guidelines aim at supporting other EU territories in planning
RES energy development without negatively affecting local landscape values.
MIEMA Director
Jesmond Xuereb
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