ENERSCAPES. Territory, Landscape and Renewable Energies - page 104

in order to evaluate the pros and the cons of the different scenarios that were
developed for each pilot area. The aim was to select the best scenario through
a common set of indicators, and to finalise the Action Plan, also making use of
participative activities.
The sixth chapter (responsible: Region of Thessaly, Greece) sums up how the
common methodology contributed in the definition of context-based Local Ac-
tion Plans, which will be approved by the Local Authorities of the partners’
areas, in accordance with each area’s local legal framework and local system
of scalar competences. Local Action Plans are based on the definition of a set
of actions that will be implemented in the intervention areas by the competent
local authorities after the end of the project, in order to promote RES investments
while respecting landscape and local resources.
Finally, the conclusions, edited by MIEMA and Lazio Region as coordinators
of the Guidelines, summarise the role of the Local Action Plans in the partners’
areas, the main goals and challenges of the Enerscapes project, the key actors
involved and the strategies for its further implementation.
The guidelines are integrated by the main project outputs produced by each
partner, including territorial analyses, participation reports, scenario assess-
ments, GIS reports, Local Action Plan reports, and other materials deemed use-
ful to foster the dissemination of the project methodology and results.
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