ENERSCAPES. Territory, Landscape and Renewable Energies - page 18

The specific objective was to define and test an energy planning method able
to assess and minimise territorial impacts deriving from the use of RES and to
take into account the landscape and the environment in the development of
the RES market, which is one of the main actions introduced to reach the 20-
20-20 objectives in the EU. One more specific objective was to assess the local
governance processes in place and their impact on the involvement of local
stakeholders as part of the decision and planning processes.
The project structure consisted of 3 macro-phases. The macro-phases were:
1st phase – Analysis of context and definition of method
Partners analysed the legal framework, taking into account the national, re-
gional and local legislation regarding energy, landscape protection and plan-
ning, also in order to understand the general situation in the MED area and
to compare different contexts. Secondly, each partner analysed its own local
context, sharing a common methodology, using GIS support and elaborating
maps according to a common legend, representing ecological and cultural
landscapes and energy potentials. They also mapped the structure of local
governance and actors related to landscape protection and energy develop-
ment. Finally, they conducted a SWOT analysis reflecting upon the effects of
a local action plan on the pilot area.
2nd phase – Pilot experiences
According to territorial analysis, partners formulated a set of scenarios and
a common set of indicators for scenarios’ assessment, in order to choose
the best strategy for the assessment of scenarios for RES development and
landscape protection in the area. Partners also defined a communication and
participation plan to involve local actors and the local population in the
process of scenario building, scenario assessment and in the definition of the
Local Action Plan.
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