ENERSCAPES. Territory, Landscape and Renewable Energies - page 19

3rd phase – Comparison of experiences and refinement of method
In the third phase, the different experiences were compared in order to im-
prove the Local Action Plan of each partner. The results of comparisons were
the foundation for the definition of common guidelines to integrate RES and
landscape in the governance processes of EU local administrations.
Each partner elaborated a Local Action Plan as the main output of the project,
supported by territorial analysis, scenario building and assessment and a com-
munication and participation plan. Local Action Plans comprise also the defini-
tion of a set of actions and activities, that will be implemented by local admin-
istrations. Local Action Plans were approved by Local Authorities (accordingly
with local legal framework and the local system of scalar competences) and
they will be implemented by partners after the conclusion of the project. The
network allowed partners to maintain the exchange of best practices and local
experiences, also through the common participation in new projects.
1.3 european LegaL FraMework
The goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions was firstly rooted within the Kyoto
Protocol and its ratification by the EU member states, highlighting the impor-
tance to use renewable energy sources. Since the end of the year 2000, the Eu-
ropean Commission has launched a discussion on the security of energy supply
within Europe. The Green Paper “Towards a European strategy for the security of
energy supply”, written by the European Commission Directorate for Energy and
Transport and adopted on 29 November 2000, is the reference document in the
Community framework. Its guidelines originated from the deep awareness that
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