ENERSCAPES. Territory, Landscape and Renewable Energies - page 22

process, the Convention asks Governments to adopt suitable tools for environ-
ment and landscape protection; on the other side, the SEA process should imply
at least the dimension of environmental landscape in its evaluation.
1.4 res and Landscape in The MediTerranean area
RES energy production and landscape protection are particularly relevant in the
Mediterranean area.
Firstly, the presence of high energy potentials, especially regarding solar and
wind energy, is a pre-condition that may produce a strong development in Med-
iterannean countries. Mapping energy potentialities in these areas can support
the definition of more effective policies at EU level.
Mediterranean area is also very sensitive in terms of cultural and ecological
landscape values, historical stratification and tourism development. Territorial
analysis at local level showed that some critical elements require specific inter-
ventions, addressed by the Enerscapes project.
One risk, connected with high energy potentials, is the uncontrolled develop-
ment of new plants, negatively affecting landscape qualities: for example in some
parts of Andalusia’s coastal areas, the increase of wind farms deteriorated the
ecological and cultural landscape, with also potential negative effects in terms
of tourism activities. In Italy, similar risks are occurring with ground-mounted
PV plants, that become an element of land consumption and landscape deterio-
ration, with negative effects for agricultural and tourism activities. On the other
hand, another critical factor is the limited development of RES sector, mainly
due to the absence of adequate incentives and strategic policies: this delay in
RES development, as emerged, for example in Malta’s territorial analysis, may
hinder the achievement of EU, national and local goals in terms of RES pro-
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