ENERSCAPES. Territory, Landscape and Renewable Energies - page 26

tems. The multi-field approach was strictly related to the main project themes:
energy, landscape and spatial planning. Finally, the most innovative aspect of
the project was the setting up of new strategies and methodologies, usable in
the whole MED area, for the assessment of the introduction of RES systems in
landscape contexts.
1.6 parTnership
Enerscapes wanted to ensure a wide and balanced geographic coverage, both
horizontally and vertically, to broaden the range of territorial and environmental
case studies and to create an exhaustive panel on national and regional proce-
dures. The project tested a model applicable in all Member States, even if its
indicators were set up on a case-by-case basis: indeed, partners believed that
the transnational scale is important, as environmental and landscape protection
concerns all countries situated in such a limited and interconnected geograph-
ical area such as the MED space. The partnership, made of institutions coming
from old and new Member States, contributed to a better and faster integration
of the latter and improved relations among the regions of Southern Europe. The
added value of transnational cooperation concerned the MED areas’ common
initial conditions, not only in terms of landscape and environmental charac-
teristics but also with respect to the expertise in using similar types of RES in
different contexts. The positive aspect consisted of an exchange of experiences:
collection of best practices, methodologies for succeeding in overcoming dif-
ficulties. Horizontally, the project covered all the eligible countries within the
Mediterranean basin (with the only exception of the British Overseas Territory of
United Kingdom, Gibraltar):
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