ENERSCAPES. Territory, Landscape and Renewable Energies - page 31

MieMa – Valletta, Malta
The Malta Intelligent Energy Management Agency (MIEMA) is Malta’s first ener-
gy agency. Set up in 2007, with the support of the IEE Programme and a wide
array of public institutions including the Ministry for Tourism & Culture, the Min-
istry for Rural Affairs & the Environment, the Parliamentary Secretariat for Small
Business and the Self Employed in the Ministry for Competitiveness and Com-
munications, Local Councils, the Malta Resources Authority and the University
of Malta. It aims at promoting awareness, initiatives and contributing to define
incisive and targeted proposals and policies of intervention, in order to optimize
the use of conventional energy resources and to develop renewable sources.
The Agency’s activities were initially focused on local needs, such as the energy
practices of the tourism industry, while building on local success stories like
that of the use of bio fuels. MIEMA will also co-ordinate and provide training to
installers of photo-voltaic and similar intelligent energy systems and organize
seminars and information days. It intends to foster and conduct research in the
field, through collaboration with the University of Malta, and to disseminate
information and raise awareness on the importance of managing energy.
Pilot area
The area under consideration is a coastal area along the North-East part of Malta
with an extension of approximately 50 ha. It forms part of a rural area but is
surrounded by a number of urban towns and villages. The general area has been
used as a rubbish dump for a number of decades, however this project focuses
on the engineered landfill at Ghallis. Apart from the general site itself, therefore,
the surrounding area is a very scenic part of Malta, and is located along one of
the most important tourist corridors of the Island. For this reason, the site itself is
a degraded site and does not possess any positive environmental characteristic,
View from the
fortress of
La Valletta,
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