ENERSCAPES. Territory, Landscape and Renewable Energies - page 33

but care must be taken from both a visual perspective since the site is visible
from many places in Malta and from a noxious/health point of view due to its
proximity to residential areas.
Lazio Region – Lazio, Italy
The administrative regional level in Lazio is responsible for energy planning
and for regional landscape legislation. The Territory and Planning Department
(Direzione Territorio e Urbanistica) was in charge of the project, in cooperation
with BIC Lazio. BIC Lazio is an in-house company, working at regional level to
reinforce the economic system, supporting enterprises in networking, innova-
tion and orientation towards sustainability and local development.
Pilot area 1 – Tuscia Romana
Tuscia Romana comprises 13 municipalities belonging to the Provinces of Rome
and Viterbo. The area has 81178 inhabitants . The peculiarity of the area is the
high incidence of protected areas, that inhibited RES development. The area is
characterised by a typical volcanic landscape, extended throughout the mostly
hilly region of Lazio, from the Lake of Bolsena to the Albani Hills. The “Sabatini”
volcanic landscape is characterised, in its central part, by the wide volcano-tec-
tonic depression, hosting the Lake of Bracciano, and by a series of volcanic
depressions, such as craters and calderas, some of which host little lakes, like
Monterosi and Martignano. The largest areas, even on very steep slopes, are
characterised by evergreen oaks and mediterranean vegetation. Tuscia romana
can be divided into three homogeneous territorial sub-systems:
area of Monti della Tolfa (Tolfa Mountains): characterised by a strong ru-
ral and natural vocation, it includes the municipalities of Allumiere, Canale
Monterano and Tolfa;
area of Lago di Bracciano (Bracciano Lake): offering more services and tour-
Lazio, italy.
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