ENERSCAPES. Territory, Landscape and Renewable Energies - page 34

ist accommodation, represented by the municipalities of Anguillara Sabazia,
Bracciano, Manziana and Trevignano;
area of Altopiano della Tuscia (Tuscia Plateau): strongly characterised by the
archaeological resources related to the Etruscan civilisation, includes the
Municipalities of Barbarano Romano, Bassano Romano, Oriolo Romano,
Vejano and Villa San Giovanni in Tuscia.
Pilot area 2 – Agro Pontino
The Pontine Plain (or “Agro Pontino”) is a portion of southern Latium bounded
by the volcanic complex of Colli Albani, the Lepini-Ausoni Mountains and the
Tyrrhenian Sea. It presents some depressed areas at the base of Lepini-Ausoni
Mts (with minimum quotas falling below sea level), and higher areas in associ-
ation to the Pliocenic “Ancient dune”. Between the Plain and the sea, there is a
flat strip of territory covered by the four coastal lakes (Fogliano, Monaci, Caprol-
ace and Paola) and the adjacent marsh areas, in addition to the actual dune belt.
In the past, most of the territory was covered by extensive wetlands, known as
the “Pontine Marshes”, which have been subject to repeated remediation. The
Agro Pontino is the result of a huge landscape transformation which took place
in the 1920s. Even though its historic rural roots – the widespread water grid
of the reclaimed canals – still depict the local landscape, the irrational urban
development and the gradual intensification and industrialization of agriculture
have often altered the balance of the primal agro-ecosystems and provoked a
loss of natural biodiversity. The Pontine Plain, localized in the Province of Lati-
na, is about 126.680 ha wide and this area is divided into 14 Municipalities.
Thessaly Region – Thessalia, Greece
The Region of Thessaly is one of the thirteen self-governed Regional Authorities
of Greece, occupying the central-eastern part of the continental space of the
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