ENERSCAPES. Territory, Landscape and Renewable Energies - page 39

infrastructures. The Enerscapes project was carried out by the Department of
Planning, Territorial Promotion and Energy. The Department is also responsible
for the Provincial Territorial Plan (Piano Territoriale di Coordinamento Provin-
ciale, PTCP), that will be updated thanks to the project results.
Pilot Area
The pilot project area has an extension of 128.000 ha corrisponding to 62% of
the provincial area. The whole province includes 86 municipalities, of which 55
are part of the project area. The province has a population of 177,280 inhabit-
ants, of which 78% reside in the study area. The number of inhabitants varies
from 45.000 in the capital, to 438 in the less populated center. The population
density is equal to 108 people/sq km. The predominantly agricultural area is
region, italy.
photo by
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