ENERSCAPES. Territory, Landscape and Renewable Energies - page 41

characterized by medium to small towns. The territory is mostly flat with hills to
the north and to the west of the project area. The plain area is mainly character-
ized by an industrialized agricultural system, dominated by rice in submerged
culture. The hilly areas are characterized by a diversified agricultural system
with presence of vineyards, orchards and dry crops. The project area includes
the western slope of the basin of the river Sesia and, to the south, the north
slope of Dora Baltea and Po. It is also affected by a complex system of irrigation
canals, the most important of which is the Cavour Canal. The area is character-
ized by good roads and rail links. Vercelli is one of the nodes of the railway line
Turin-Milan, and the territory is crossed by the high-capacity railway line. The
area is also placed at the center of a highway network.
Rhônalpénergie Environment – Rhône-Alpes, France
Founded in 1978 as a private non-profit organisation, RAEE has about 75 mem-
bers, including: the Regional Council, District Councils, major cities, urban com-
munities, energy producers and suppliers, social housing agencies, non-profit
organisations, professionals of the energy and environment sectors,etc. Fields of
activity are: the rational use of energy; renewable energy sources; protection of
the environment; climate change; sustainable development.
Pilot area 1 – Région de Condrieu
The pilot area is located on the north-east part of the Natural Regional Park of
Pilat, close to the Rhône river. This area is also called ‘Rhodanian Piedmont”. 11
local municipalities are involved in the grouping: Ampuis, Condrieu, Echalas,
Les Haies, Loire sur Rhône, Longes, St. Cyr sur le Rhône, St. Romain en Gier,
Trèves, Tupin-Semons and Sainte Colombe. The grouping was created in 1994.
They cover 11.824 ha and gather 14.140 inhabitants. The landscape is made of
vineyards and fruit trees and is bordered by the Rhône river on the east and by
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