ENERSCAPES. Territory, Landscape and Renewable Energies - page 43

Pranles, St Etienne de Serres, St. Maurice en Chalencon, St. Michel de Chabril-
lanoux, St. Sauveur de Montagut et St. Vincent de Durfort. This administrative
grouping was created in 2003. They cover 12.659 hectares and gather 4.382
The municipalities are more or less located along the Eyrieux river, in a mon-
taneous landscape (municipalities are often above 500m a.s.l). The grouping of
municipalities gathers several types of landscape: terraces, mountains, agricul-
tural lands, etc. To access to the territory, there is no railway. The main access is
the Rhone valley on the east, and requires a car. On the west, the main city is Le
Puy en Velay (Auvergne region).
University of Maribor – Stajerska, Slovenia
The University of Maribor is the second biggest and the second oldest univer-
sity in Slovenia. Around 20.000 students study at the University of Maribor. It
has seventeen faculties which offer undergraduate and postgraduate study pro-
grammes. In particular, the Faculty of Energy Technology is directly involved in
the project.
Pilot area
95 km of Mura river, which is near one fourth of its total length, is in Slovenia.
Mura river presents the border between two Slovenian historical regions: Stajer-
ska and Prekmurje. We have chosen the sample area of hydroelectric potential
(1.375 ha), while the size of entire area in Prekmurje region is approximately
945 sq km (94.500 ha). This area in Prekmurje consists of the following mu-
nicipalities: Beltinci, Cankova, Crensovci, Dobrovnik, Gornji Petrovci, Grad,
Hodos, Kobilje, Kuzma, Lendava, Moravske Toplice, Mestna obcina Murska
Sobota, Odranci, Puconci, Rogasovci, Salovci, Tisina, Turnisce, Velika Polana.
Municipality Verzej is next to the Beltinci but on the opposite side of Mura river.
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