ENERSCAPES. Territory, Landscape and Renewable Energies - page 49

2.1 chaLLenges To be MeT
In recent years, the European Union has been adopting several policies to in-
crease the share of energy from RES for the co-generation of heat and power.
Since the so-called “Climate and Energy Package”, approved in 2008 by the
European Parliament, in order to meet environmental objectives negotiated with
the European Union, Member States have drawn up national action plans fo-
cused on 2020 forecast scenarios containing “smart mixes” of renewable ener-
gy sources endorsed by complex road maps entailing participation at large by
means of public audits.
At the same time, the Directive 2009/28/EC recommended the rationalization
and simplification of procedures for issuing permissions at the appropriate ad-
ministrative level, as well as transparent and non-discriminatory rules.
In 2000, new renewable power installations totalled 3,5 GW. Renewable capacity
installations have been growing almost tenfold over the past 11 years, to reach 32
GW in 2011, and accounted for 71,3% of new installations during that same year.
Wind power accounted for 21,4% (9.616 MW ) of new installations in 2011,
the third biggest share after solar PV (21.000 MW, 46,7%) and gas (9.718 MW,
21,6%). In 2011, the European Commission presented its Communication
showing that the 2020 renewable energy policy goals, such as fulfilling a 20%
share of energy from renewable sources by 2020 and a 10% share of renewable
energy in the transport sector, are likely to be met and exceeded if Member
States fully implement their national renewable energy Action Plans and if fi-
nancing instruments are improved. It also stressed the need for further cooper-
ation between Member States and a better integration of renewable energy into
the single European market.
Indeed, some countries have already exceeded the 2020 targets, and according
to the European Renewable Energy Council (EREC), a major stakeholder in the
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