ENERSCAPES. Territory, Landscape and Renewable Energies - page 51

2.2 enerscapes MeThodoLogy
Enerscapes – Territory, Landscape and Renewable Energies provided a set of
territorial analysis, an assessment methodology and local action plans dealing
with a large set of impacts on diverse but recurring landscape patterns all over
the Mediterranean regions. The patterns derive from a massive introduction of
renewable energy sources, according to national and supranational targets with-
in the so called “Burden Sharing”. Led by Malta Intelligent Energy Management
Agency (MT) and composed by the Cyprus Energy Agency (CY), the Conserjeria
de Medio Ambiente of Andalucia (ES), the Lazio Region (IT), the Region of Thes-
saly (GR), Rhône Alpes Energie Environnement (FR), the Province of Vercelli
(IT) and the University of Maribor (SL), the partnership tried to define and test a
shared methodology for planning the introduction of RES in selected pilot areas,
which are being provided by Action Plans defined to carry out specific land-
scape quality objectives, in order to avoid negative effects on cultural heritage
and environment.
Indeed, landscape needs to be previously “referred to”: as a visible and sensitive
expression of environmental fragility, it has to be considered as a “reception
frame” for any transformation, which, according to the European Landscape
Convention focuses on “the aspirations of the public with regard to the land-
scape features of their surroundings”.
The European Landscape Convention has stated that landscape is “an area, as
perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action and interaction
of natural and/or human factors”; it is understood as “an essential component of
people’s surroundings, an expression of the diversity of their shared cultural and
natural heritage, and a foundation of their identity”.
Action Plans need establishing rules and regulations allowing any areas to be
managed without missing their identity when new compatible uses are intro-
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