ENERSCAPES. Territory, Landscape and Renewable Energies - page 54

good balance between certainty and flexibility: the process can be reshaped, if
it is the case, in accordance with the objectives to be fulfilled.
2.3 MeThodoLogy in suMMary
The specific purpose of the Enerscapes project, funded by the MED Programme
was to define a sound and replicable methodology for the landscape assessment
– landscape as a “reception frame” – within policy, planning and decision-mak-
ing procedures devoted to renewable energy sources. Therefore, the Enerscapes
partnership has promoted a comparison among the Action Plan structures and
activities in order to organize a common methodology structured in a set of
guidelines in order to enable other territories to repeat, improve and refine the
methodology, taking environmental considerations into account during the
planning and decision-making process above the project level.
Stage A: Setting the context and establishing the baseline
Context Analysis;
Recognition of assets and values of landscapes;
Evaluation of the Sensitivity and definition of Landscape Quality Objectives.
Stage B. The Scenario Analysis
Identifying alternatives and choosing preferred alternatives;
Consulting Authorities with environmental responsibilities.
Stage C: Assessing the effects of the plan
Predicting the effects of the plan and evaluation of effects;
Assessment methods.
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