ENERSCAPES. Territory, Landscape and Renewable Energies - page 62

ensure compliance with the requirements stemming from landscape, agro-econ-
omy and wilderness fields.
Scenario 0, or scenario “as usual”, highlights the production capacity of existing
facilities, locations and sizes, as well as the main actors (public and private). It
represents the development of renewable energy that is likely to be reached in
the study areas over the next 5/10 years, in accordance with current legislation
and trends, and national targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2020.
Apart from the “Scenario 0”, reporting the current trends, the remaining scenar-
ios shift from the most strict in landscape protection to the most powerful in RES
production, to be fulfilled even accepting a certain degree of deterioration in
“everyday landscapes” (Planning to Achieve).
Scenario 1
(Priority to Landscape) represents the development of RES in the
case landscape and biodiversity are to be protected in an integral manner. For
example, facilities should be located only in urban and peri-urban areas, avoid-
ing large plants in areas of landscape value. Priority to agricultural land will be
given in rural areas, allowing only small plants integrated in existing buildings.
Scenario 2
(Balance between Landscape and RES, with particular attention to
the Landscape) may involve a development of RES implying coordinated plan-
ning with local stakeholders, including the possibility of inserting plants in pro-
tected areas and in rural areas, albeit with priority given to peri-urban areas, and
with substantial mitigation of landscape impact.
Scenario 3
(Balance between RES and Landscape, with particular emphasis on
RES) is due to define the development of RES on the basis of the maps of the
potential energy provided by national and regional Energy Action Plans, by es-
tablishing rules on the size and type of energy production, intervisibility and
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