ENERSCAPES. Territory, Landscape and Renewable Energies - page 65

of alternative Scenarios and the definition of the Action Plan.
These levels are generally formalized as:
1. Information: minimum, prior to participation. Citizens are informed of the
existence of the project and its general purposes. Data and analyses pro-
duced by the project are also available. At this level, no feedbacks from citi-
zens are required. The most common tools are: newspaper articles, websites,
public presentations.
2. Consultation: citizens are called to comment on the options provided by the
proponents of the project or decision-makers. This case establishes a form
of bi-directional communication, that does not imply, however, an effective
opening of the decision-making process, since the decision remains to the
3. Cooperation: this step involves activation of citizens and stakeholders in the
decision-making process. It is based on the possibility to comment on the
choice of topics within the process, and to suggest modifications instances,
to organize in order to influence the process.
4. Co-decision: the process is built on the basis of the work of stakeholders and
citizens; it is open, both from the point of view of the issues and the point of
view of the methods to achieve the objectives.
These different levels of participation may address different actors: for example,
the level of information affects the citizens in general, but may also be oriented
toward a more specific audience through calls or communications specialist
magazine. Other layers may include a small number and selected actors. “Who
participates in what?” is therefore a fundamental question that must lead the
development of the communication plan and participation, and that affects the
ability of the project to be both effective and inclusive.
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