ENERSCAPES. Territory, Landscape and Renewable Energies - page 69

people is actually concerned by the decision of using a specific territory in a
different way); the willingness to pay (the social liability to incur costs); the
willingness to accept (the social liability to accept compensations for goods
Currently, the assessment techniques are related to economics, ecology, land-
scape character and participation.
The Environmental Valuation performs using the paradigms of Landscape Ecol-
ogy. Accordingly, regional planning should take into account the real vocations
of a territory and divide it into homogeneous units, in terms of environmental
characteristics and landscape perception. The Landscape Character Assessment
takes into account the physical characteristics and the perceptual characteristics
of landscapes in the light of particular forms of development.As for economic
methods, the Contingent Valuation is based on the possibility of creating an hy-
pothetical market for goods that seemingly have none, just like the landscape.
In this hypothetical market, consumers can express their willingness to pay for
preservation or improvement of the landscape quality.
The participatory approach is expressed by Community Maps, tools giving in-
habitants the opportunity to consider their heritage and their living environment,
yet everyday landscapes, as legacies to pass on to future generations.
The Environmental Report should include information on the measures pro-
posed to prevent, reduce or offset any significant adverse effects that imple-
menting the plan is expected to have on the environment. For convenience,
these are referred to in this guidance as mitigation measures, but this should be
understood to include proactive avoidance of adverse effects as well as actions
taken after effects are noticed.
Mitigation can take a wide range of forms. Some adverse effects might be avoid-
ed through changes to the plan, such as adding, deleting or refining policies and
impacts in
the pilot area.
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