ENERSCAPES. Territory, Landscape and Renewable Energies - page 87

to be taken in order to achieve the area’s strategy. Thus the Strategy, as well as
the Action Plan, have to be integrated to the current and future Operational
Programme of the Municipality. Concurrently, the spatial adjustments stemming
from the adopted scenario will have to be integrated into the Local Spatial Plan
of the Municipality (General Spatial Plan or Open Cities’ Residential Organi-
zation Plans). Already, integration procedures have started with the support of
the project team and responsible offices of the Municipality and the Region of
At regional level, Regional Spatial Plans are currently conducted. In the frame-
work of procedures predicted in these cases, the project team submitted a memo
with the results and the methodology developed in the framework of the Ener-
scapes project, during an effort to integrate the approach of the project in the
Regional Spatial Planning framework.
In parallel, the project team, having developed a dialogue with the National
Landscape Committee (responsible to achieve the national obligations accord-
ing with the European Landscape Convention), presented, in cooperation with
the studiers of the Regional Spatial Plan, an integration framework for the Land-
scape, in the National Spatial Planning framework, adopting the methodology
developed in the example of the Municipality of Almyros, with the active partic-
ipation of the local society.
Finally, the Region of Thessaly and the Enerscapes project team in Greece have
already started the preparation of plans for the submission of proposals to suc-
ceed projects complementary to the Enerscapes project and to exploit its results
in the National Strategic Reference Framework and the European Programmes
of the running and next Programming Periods, as well as the location of coop-
erations in the framework of proposals of other European authorities and actors.
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