ENERSCAPES. Territory, Landscape and Renewable Energies - page 90

in being financed in the next years.
Regarding Municipalities, the Province of Vercelli aims to promote a shared gov-
ernance regarding energy and landscaping at Municipal level, in order to plan
RES energy production (supporting integrated PV plants, short-supply chain for
biomass, use of industrial or dismissed areas for new plants) and to concentrate
mitigations and compensations in specific areas, progressively creating a system
of green belts and eco-corridors.
Regarding EU policies, the Province of Vercelli will be highly affected by chang-
es in the Common Agricultural Policy for the period 2014-2020, due to the
relevance of agricultural activities in the area. In this sense, it is strategic to plan
actions and initiatives in order to integrate farmers’ income and to diversify their
production, also including RES energy production.
The Enerscapes results can also be integrated by Municipalities in the frame-
work of the Covenant of Mayors. Territorial analysis, database and attention to
landscape values in developing RES energy production, together with analysis
of RES energy production and future perspectives, will be capitalised in the defi-
nition of SEAP (Sustainable Energy Action Plan, provided through the Covenant
of Mayors).
Another level of capitalization is related to other EU projects. In particular links
to new projects may be developed in dialogue with:
: the project aims at setting up a long lasting, structured cooperation net-
work among European rice production areas ensuring exchange of experiences,
good practices and enabling informed discussions to examine and evaluate how
to tackle the effects of climate change – in particular focussing on the water
resource – locally in the project areas.
The project shares several goals with the Enerscapes Local Action Plan, in par-
ticular the idea of at re-using the rice straw.
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