ENERSCAPES. Territory, Landscape and Renewable Energies - page 91

(ECOlogical network of a RICe agroEcosystem) – Vercelli rice fields:
integrated plan for environmental requalification and sustainable management
of rice agroecosystem.
The project, working for the building of an integrated management plan of
agro-ecosystem in the Vercelli rice fields, is engaged on two main activities:
directly restore some natural areas (as core areas and stepping stones of the eco-
logical network) and build up a cooperative action to ensure that rice farmers
could work directly for the building and maintenance of an ecologically sound
The project is also coherent with the Enerscapes goals in terms of landscape
restoration and enhancement, and it is possible to realise an integration among
ECO-RICE areas of intervention and the realisation of Green Belts.
3.5 cyprus energy agency, cyprus
Covenant of Mayors
This is the mainstream European movement involving local and regional au-
thorities, voluntarily committing to increasing energy efficiency and use of re-
newable energy sources on their territories. By their commitment, Covenant
signatories aim to meet and exceed the European Union’s 20% CO2 reduction
objective by 2020.
Very important also is that the Cyprus Energy Agency has been appointed by the
Local Authorities’ Associations in Cyprus as the executive agency for the promo-
tion of the “Covenant of Mayors” in Cyprus, thus actively contributing to efforts
to mitigate climate change. The Cyprus Energy Agency develops and monitors
the implementation of the Sustainable Energy Action Plans of local authorities
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