ENERSCAPES. Territory, Landscape and Renewable Energies - page 93

order to identify the possible impacts of such projects.
Four CSP (Concentrating Solar Power) projects were awarded in Cyprus, Greece
and Spain. All the projects concern large scale Stirling dish power plants. More
specific in Cyprus (Helios Power) the total installed capacity of 50.76 MWe, is
located on the eastern side of Cyprus, near the city of Larnaca. The plant is ex-
pected to have16.920 Stirling dish units and the total field area required for the
Project is around 200 ha.
It is obvious that in such large scale plant installations, especially in small areas
like Cyprus many parameters must be investigated in order to have the most
suitable integration of the project location in the landscape with the minimum
impacts. The methodology that was developed in the Enerscapes project can
lead to a harmonious installation of such large scale projects on the landscape.
National Action Plans for Renewable Energy
According to the provisions of RES Directive 2009/28/EC, Member States should
prepare, submit and review every two years National Action Plans for Renew-
able Energy. Thus, the Enerscapes methodology can be useful to National or
Regional Authorities to integrate it and identify potential environmental impacts
of the proposed measures.
3.6 raee, France
Capitalization of the Enerscapes results is a major objective in Rhône-Alpes.
Actually, Rhônalpénergie – Environnement precisely chose to implement the ac-
tivities of the Enercapes project in several pilot territories so as to test the meth-
odology in various contexts and to gather more feedback for further projects.
Regarding the territorial analysis (including GIS, landscape analysis, SWOT
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