ENERSCAPES. Territory, Landscape and Renewable Energies - page 98

mation Network of Andalusia”).
The creation of the “Visibility System of Andalusia” (VSA), integrated into the
REDIAM, and of their results for the wind farms visual impact calculation.
The publication of a CD-book, entitled “The Landscape integration of wind
farms in Andalusia: criteria, tools, and the case study of Enerscapes”, a sci-
entific publication, the first one in spanish language, that will be useful to
support the reflections and knowledge that have begun to be acquired in the
framework of the project, as well as for showing the methodological experi-
ence of the project.
The implementation of a similar tool like the Visibility System of Andalusia
(VSA), aiming to objectify the landscape impact of planned territorial actions
(or restoration of existing actions), is a good practice that should be implement-
ed in any territory. In our opinion, the landscape impact is the addition of the
visual impact with the environmental impact, and the VSA enables this objec-
tive, measurable and reproducible integration. In many cases, visual criteria do
not apply because it lacks a viable tool to calculate its impact together with
other impacts. And when they are, the procedure followed is “trial and error”,
not knowing exactly whether the decision is really optimal. Power lines, wind
turbines, roads, buildings, etc., are necessary for economic and social develop-
ment. However, such actions could distort, trivialize or simplify the landscape,
impoverishing the citizens’ quality of life.
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