Biomedical research requires access to biological samples and their associated clinical data. To respond to this need, the PHSA Biobank is constantly renewing and innovating its procedures. The Biobank’s Research & Development & Innovation work contributes to the high quality of the samples that the Biobank works with and improves the procedures that it employs, thereby making a direct contribution to increasing the quality of biomedical research.

Currently, the SSPA Biobank pursues several areas of Research & Development & Innovation work:

  • Information systems for Biobanks and Donor Registration.
  • Sustainability strategies, including the optimization and improvement of the operating procedures used by the Biobank.
  • Pre-analytical variables of biological samples and the search for quality markers.
  • Development and innovation in management and quality processes in biobanks.

The above areas of activity are in response to:

  • Research questions or needs that have been identified in some of the areas of work of the PHSA Biobank, including quality, communication, technology, and preservation.
  • The objectives that the Technological Platforms are committed to.
  • Collaborations with companies, research groups, and working groups.
  • Development or validation of products/protocols/technologies.
  • Participation in clinical trials or research collaborations.

R&D&I work performed between 2014-2020

At the Coordinating Centre for Research at the Biobank, the R&D&I activities that are performed there are co-financed by both the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund (ESF). In compliance with Appendix XII to Regulation (EC) 1303/2013 (which establishes the obligations that the Biobank is subject to in terms of sharing information regarding the financial support that it receives from these funds), the list of activities that the Biobank was engaged in during the 2014-2020 programming period is made public. The list of activities can be accessed here.


Scientific publications produced by the SSPA Biobank

The publications derived from the scientific activity of the SSPA Biobank