Histological Quality Control Unit

At this unit, the techniques derived from the phenotypic and histological characterization of cells and tissues are performed. The digitalization of the preparations is also a service provided by this unit, as well as the following:

  • Processing of tissue samples and/or cells in paraffin: inclusion of the samples or cells in paraffin and formation of paraffin blocks.
  • Processing of frozen tissue samples using Cryomold moulds (OCT-Optimal Cutting Temperature) and fresh samples (liquid nitrogen).
  • Histological sections taken from paraffin samples or included in paraffin at OCT (Optimal Cutting Temperature)
  • Processing of liquid samples using cytocentrifugation (also known as ‘cytospin’)
  • Design and manufacture of Tissue MicroArrays
  • Routine and special histochemical stains
  • Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
  • Morphological and/or phenotypic assessment of histological, cytological, and Tissue MicroArray sections.
  • Digitization of images

For more details of the services offered please consult our price list.

We also have experience in:

  • Tissue decalcification
  • Detection of markers by immunofluorescence (IF)


Formulario de Solicitud de Servicios de Procesamiento


Formulario de Solicitud de Servicios de Procesamiento

For any other processing or support needs please do not hesitate to contact usand request our Tailor-made Services.

To access the services, download and fill out the form attached in this section and send it to us at: biobanco.sspa@juntadeandalucia.es.