Sample Stabilization and Biorepository Unit

This unit is responsible for the stabilization and conservation of samples, and for obtaining derivatives from samples.

  • Processing of tissue samples and/or cells in paraffin; embedded in paraffin (paraffin inclusion) and formation of the paraffin sample blocks
  • Processing of frozen tissue samples: cryomold (OCT, Optimal Cutting Temperature) and fresh samples (using liquid nitrogen)
  • Processing of liquid samples using cytocentrifugation (‘cytospin’)
  • Obtaining derivatives from plasma, serum, PBMCs, and others
  • Fractionation of biological fluids, blood, and blood derivatives.
  • Aliquots in different formats of blood and blood derivatives, biological fluids, and cellular derivatives (DNA, RNA).

For more details of the services that we offer, please access the price list.

For any other request for sample provision or support do not hesitate to contact us and request our Tailor-made Services.

To access the services, download and fill out the form attached in this section and send it to us at:


Formulario de Solicitud de Servicios de Procesamiento


Formulario de Solicitud de Servicios de Procesamiento