Encriptación de los identificadores de sesión en PHP

RECU-0593 (Recurso Ejemplo)


No se deben almacenar las claves de identificación de sesión como texto plano, es inseguro aunque se almacenen en el servidor.

Es bueno usar una función como hash() para almacenar un valor encriptado que no pueda ser revertido a la cadena original. No debe utilizarse hash() directamente en la clave, pues pueden escribirse programas que traten de adivinar esta información por ataques de fuerza bruta.

Es recomendable concatenar la clave con otra información, por ejemplo, el nombre del servidor, del usuario, etc. antes de procesarla.


A continuación puede consultar un ejemplo de encriptación basado en SHA256:


 * Transparent SHA-256 Implementation for PHP 4 and PHP 5
 * Author: Perry McGee (pmcgee@nanolink.ca)
 * Website: http://www.nanolink.ca/pub/sha256
 * Copyright (C) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Nanolink Solutions
 * Created: Feb 11, 2006
 *    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 *    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *    Lesser General Public License for more details.

 *    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 *    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
 *    or see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 *  Include:
 *   require_once("[path/]sha256.inc.php");
 *  Usage Options:
 *   1) $shaStr = hash('sha256', $string_to_hash);
 *   2) $shaStr = sha256($string_to_hash[, bool ignore_php5_hash = false]);
 *   3) $obj = new nanoSha2([bool $upper_case_output = false]);
 *      $shaStr = $obj->hash($string_to_hash[, bool $ignore_php5_hash = false]);
 * Reference: http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/ST/toolkit/secure_hashing.html
 * 2007-12-13: Cleaned up for initial public release
 * 2008-05-10: Moved all helper functions into a class.  API access unchanged.
 * 2009-06-23: Created abstraction of hash() routine
 * 2009-07-23: Added detection of 32 vs 64bit platform, and patches.
 *             Ability to define "_NANO_SHA2_UPPER" to yeild upper case hashes.
 * 2009-08-01: Added ability to attempt to use mhash() prior to running pure
 *             php code.
 * NOTE: Some sporadic versions of PHP do not handle integer overflows the
 *       same as the majority of builds.  If you get hash results of:
 *        7fffffff7fffffff7fffffff7fffffff7fffffff7fffffff7fffffff7fffffff
 *       If you do not have permissions to change PHP versions (if you did
 *       you'd probably upgrade to PHP 5 anyway) it is advised you install a
 *       module that will allow you to use their hashing routines, examples are:
 *       - mhash module : http://ca3.php.net/mhash
 *       - Suhosin : http://www.hardened-php.net/suhosin/
 *       If you install the Suhosin module, this script will transparently
 *       use their routine and define the PHP routine as _nano_sha256().
 *       If the mhash module is present, and $ignore_php5_hash = false the
 *       script will attempt to use the output from mhash prior to running
 *       the PHP code.
if (!class_exists('nanoSha2'))
    class nanoSha2
        // php 4 - 5 compatable class properties
        var     $toUpper;
        var     $platform;

        // Php 4 - 6 compatable constructor
        function nanoSha2($toUpper = false) {
            // Determine if the caller wants upper case or not.
            $this->toUpper = is_bool($toUpper)
                           ? $toUpper
                           : ((defined('_NANO_SHA2_UPPER')) ? true : false);

            // Deteremine if the system is 32 or 64 bit.
            $tmpInt = (int)4294967295;
            $this->platform = ($tmpInt > 0) ? 64 : 32;

        // Do the SHA-256 Padding routine (make input a multiple of 512 bits)
        function char_pad($str)
            $tmpStr = $str;

            $l = strlen($tmpStr)*8;     // # of bits from input string

            $tmpStr .= "\x80";          // append the "1" bit followed by 7 0's

            $k = (512 - (($l + 8 + 64) % 512)) / 8;   // # of 0 bytes to append
            $k += 4;    // PHP Strings will never exceed (2^31)-1, 1st 32bits of
                        // the 64-bit value representing $l can be all 0's

            for ($x = 0; $x < $k; $x++) {
                $tmpStr .= "\0";

            // append the 32-bits representing # of bits from input string ($l)
            $tmpStr .= chr((($l>>24) & 0xFF));
            $tmpStr .= chr((($l>>16) & 0xFF));
            $tmpStr .= chr((($l>>8) & 0xFF));
            $tmpStr .= chr(($l & 0xFF));

            return $tmpStr;

        // Here are the bitwise and functions as defined in FIPS180-2 Standard
        function addmod2n($x, $y, $n = 4294967296)      // Z = (X + Y) mod 2^32
            $mask = 0x80000000;

            if ($x < 0) {
                $x &= 0x7FFFFFFF;
                $x = (float)$x + $mask;

            if ($y < 0) {
                $y &= 0x7FFFFFFF;
                $y = (float)$y + $mask;

            $r = $x + $y;

            if ($r >= $n) {
                while ($r >= $n) {
                    $r -= $n;

            return (int)$r;

        // Logical bitwise right shift (PHP default is arithmetic shift)
        function SHR($x, $n)        // x >> n
            if ($n >= 32) {      // impose some limits to keep it 32-bit
                return (int)0;

            if ($n <= 0) {
                return (int)$x;

            $mask = 0x40000000;

            if ($x < 0) {
                $x &= 0x7FFFFFFF;
                $mask = $mask >> ($n-1);
                return ($x >> $n) | $mask;

            return (int)$x >> (int)$n;

        function ROTR($x, $n) { return (int)(($this->SHR($x, $n) | ($x << (32-$n)) & 0xFFFFFFFF)); }
        function Ch($x, $y, $z) { return ($x & $y) ^ ((~$x) & $z); }
        function Maj($x, $y, $z) { return ($x & $y) ^ ($x & $z) ^ ($y & $z); }
        function Sigma0($x) { return (int) ($this->ROTR($x, 2)^$this->ROTR($x, 13)^$this->ROTR($x, 22)); }
        function Sigma1($x) { return (int) ($this->ROTR($x, 6)^$this->ROTR($x, 11)^$this->ROTR($x, 25)); }
        function sigma_0($x) { return (int) ($this->ROTR($x, 7)^$this->ROTR($x, 18)^$this->SHR($x, 3)); }
        function sigma_1($x) { return (int) ($this->ROTR($x, 17)^$this->ROTR($x, 19)^$this->SHR($x, 10)); }

         * Custom functions to provide PHP support
        // split a byte-string into integer array values
        function int_split($input)
            $l = strlen($input);

            if ($l <= 0) {
                return (int)0;

            if (($l % 4) != 0) { // invalid input
                return false;

            for ($i = 0; $i < $l; $i += 4)
                $int_build  = (ord($input[$i]) << 24);
                $int_build += (ord($input[$i+1]) << 16);
                $int_build += (ord($input[$i+2]) << 8);
                $int_build += (ord($input[$i+3]));

                $result[] = $int_build;

            return $result;

         * Process and return the hash.
         * @param $str Input string to hash
         * @param $ig_func Option param to ignore checking for php > 5.1.2
         * @return string Hexadecimal representation of the message digest
        function hash($str, $ig_func = false)
            unset($binStr);     // binary representation of input string
            unset($hexStr);     // 256-bit message digest in readable hex format

            // check for php's internal sha256 function, ignore if ig_func==true
            if ($ig_func == false) {
                if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION,'5.1.2','>=')) {
                    return hash("sha256", $str, false);
                } else if (function_exists('mhash') && defined('MHASH_SHA256')) {
                    return base64_encode(bin2hex(mhash(MHASH_SHA256, $str)));

             * SHA-256 Constants
             *  Sequence of sixty-four constant 32-bit words representing the
             *  first thirty-two bits of the fractional parts of the cube roots
             *  of the first sixtyfour prime numbers.
            $K = array((int)0x428a2f98, (int)0x71374491, (int)0xb5c0fbcf,
                       (int)0xe9b5dba5, (int)0x3956c25b, (int)0x59f111f1,
                       (int)0x923f82a4, (int)0xab1c5ed5, (int)0xd807aa98,
                       (int)0x12835b01, (int)0x243185be, (int)0x550c7dc3,
                       (int)0x72be5d74, (int)0x80deb1fe, (int)0x9bdc06a7,
                       (int)0xc19bf174, (int)0xe49b69c1, (int)0xefbe4786,
                       (int)0x0fc19dc6, (int)0x240ca1cc, (int)0x2de92c6f,
                       (int)0x4a7484aa, (int)0x5cb0a9dc, (int)0x76f988da,
                       (int)0x983e5152, (int)0xa831c66d, (int)0xb00327c8,
                       (int)0xbf597fc7, (int)0xc6e00bf3, (int)0xd5a79147,
                       (int)0x06ca6351, (int)0x14292967, (int)0x27b70a85,
                       (int)0x2e1b2138, (int)0x4d2c6dfc, (int)0x53380d13,
                       (int)0x650a7354, (int)0x766a0abb, (int)0x81c2c92e,
                       (int)0x92722c85, (int)0xa2bfe8a1, (int)0xa81a664b,
                       (int)0xc24b8b70, (int)0xc76c51a3, (int)0xd192e819,
                       (int)0xd6990624, (int)0xf40e3585, (int)0x106aa070,
                       (int)0x19a4c116, (int)0x1e376c08, (int)0x2748774c,
                       (int)0x34b0bcb5, (int)0x391c0cb3, (int)0x4ed8aa4a,
                       (int)0x5b9cca4f, (int)0x682e6ff3, (int)0x748f82ee,
                       (int)0x78a5636f, (int)0x84c87814, (int)0x8cc70208,
                       (int)0x90befffa, (int)0xa4506ceb, (int)0xbef9a3f7,

            // Pre-processing: Padding the string
            $binStr = $this->char_pad($str);

            // Parsing the Padded Message (Break into N 512-bit blocks)
            $M = str_split($binStr, 64);

            // Set the initial hash values
            $h[0] = (int)0x6a09e667;
            $h[1] = (int)0xbb67ae85;
            $h[2] = (int)0x3c6ef372;
            $h[3] = (int)0xa54ff53a;
            $h[4] = (int)0x510e527f;
            $h[5] = (int)0x9b05688c;
            $h[6] = (int)0x1f83d9ab;
            $h[7] = (int)0x5be0cd19;

            // loop through message blocks and compute hash. ( For i=1 to N : )
            $N = count($M);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $N; $i++)
                // Break input block into 16 32bit words (message schedule prep)
                $MI = $this->int_split($M[$i]);

                // Initialize working variables
                $_a = (int)$h[0];
                $_b = (int)$h[1];
                $_c = (int)$h[2];
                $_d = (int)$h[3];
                $_e = (int)$h[4];
                $_f = (int)$h[5];
                $_g = (int)$h[6];
                $_h = (int)$h[7];
                $W = array();

                // Compute the hash and update
                for ($t = 0; $t < 16; $t++)
                    // Prepare the first 16 message schedule values as we loop
                    $W[$t] = $MI[$t];

                    // Compute hash
                    $_T1 = $this->addmod2n($this->addmod2n($this->addmod2n($this->addmod2n($_h, $this->Sigma1($_e)), $this->Ch($_e, $_f, $_g)), $K[$t]), $W[$t]);
                    $_T2 = $this->addmod2n($this->Sigma0($_a), $this->Maj($_a, $_b, $_c));

                    // Update working variables
                    $_h = $_g; $_g = $_f; $_f = $_e; $_e = $this->addmod2n($_d, $_T1);
                    $_d = $_c; $_c = $_b; $_b = $_a; $_a = $this->addmod2n($_T1, $_T2);

                for (; $t < 64; $t++)
                    // Continue building the message schedule as we loop
                    $_s0 = $W[($t+1)&0x0F];
                    $_s0 = $this->sigma_0($_s0);
                    $_s1 = $W[($t+14)&0x0F];
                    $_s1 = $this->sigma_1($_s1);

                    $W[$t&0xF] = $this->addmod2n($this->addmod2n($this->addmod2n($W[$t&0xF], $_s0), $_s1), $W[($t+9)&0x0F]);

                    // Compute hash
                    $_T1 = $this->addmod2n($this->addmod2n($this->addmod2n($this->addmod2n($_h, $this->Sigma1($_e)), $this->Ch($_e, $_f, $_g)), $K[$t]), $W[$t&0xF]);
                    $_T2 = $this->addmod2n($this->Sigma0($_a), $this->Maj($_a, $_b, $_c));

                    // Update working variables
                    $_h = $_g; $_g = $_f; $_f = $_e; $_e = $this->addmod2n($_d, $_T1);
                    $_d = $_c; $_c = $_b; $_b = $_a; $_a = $this->addmod2n($_T1, $_T2);

                $h[0] = $this->addmod2n($h[0], $_a);
                $h[1] = $this->addmod2n($h[1], $_b);
                $h[2] = $this->addmod2n($h[2], $_c);
                $h[3] = $this->addmod2n($h[3], $_d);
                $h[4] = $this->addmod2n($h[4], $_e);
                $h[5] = $this->addmod2n($h[5], $_f);
                $h[6] = $this->addmod2n($h[6], $_g);
                $h[7] = $this->addmod2n($h[7], $_h);

            // Convert the 32-bit words into human readable hexadecimal format.
            $hexStr = sprintf("%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", $h[0], $h[1], $h[2], $h[3], $h[4], $h[5], $h[6], $h[7]);

            return ($this->toUpper) ? strtoupper($hexStr) : $hexStr;


if (!function_exists('str_split'))
     * Splits a string into an array of strings with specified length.
     * Compatability with older verions of PHP
    function str_split($string, $split_length = 1)
        $sign = ($split_length < 0) ? -1 : 1;
        $strlen = strlen($string);
        $split_length = abs($split_length);

        if (($split_length == 0) || ($strlen == 0)) {
            $result = false;
        } elseif ($split_length >= $strlen) {
            $result[] = $string;
        } else {
            $length = $split_length;

            for ($i = 0; $i < $strlen; $i++)
                $i = (($sign < 0) ? $i + $length : $i);
                $result[] = substr($string, $sign*$i, $length);
                $i = (($sign < 0) ? $i : $i + $length);

                $length = (($i + $split_length) > $strlen)
                          ? ($strlen - ($i + 1))
                          : $split_length;

        return $result;

 * Main routine called from an application using this include.
 * General usage:
 *   require_once('sha256.inc.php');
 *   $hashstr = sha256('abc');
 * Note:
 * PHP Strings are limitd to (2^31)-1, so it is not worth it to
 * check for input strings > 2^64 as the FIPS180-2 defines.
// 2009-07-23: Added check for function as the Suhosin plugin adds this routine.
if (!function_exists('sha256')) {
    function sha256($str, $ig_func = false) {
        $obj = new nanoSha2((defined('_NANO_SHA2_UPPER')) ? true : false);
        return $obj->hash($str, $ig_func);
} else {
    function _nano_sha256($str, $ig_func = false) {
        $obj = new nanoSha2((defined('_NANO_SHA2_UPPER')) ? true : false);
        return $obj->hash($str, $ig_func);

// support to give php4 the hash() routine which abstracts this code.
if (!function_exists('hash'))
    function hash($algo, $data)
        if (empty($algo) || !is_string($algo) || !is_string($data)) {
            return false;

        if (function_exists($algo)) {
            return $algo($data);


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Área: Desarrollo » Seguridad » Cifrado
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LIBP-0274 Encriptación de la información sensible Libro de pautas Directriz Obligatoria